I am currently teaching the following courses:
Undergraduate program (B.Sc. Economics)
- Intermediate Microeconomics: Information Economics (jointly with Mery Ferando.)
Graduate program (Center Graduate School – Research Master Economics)
- Competition and Regulation
- Micro-Economics 3: Part 1: Information Economics
- Co-organizer reading group in Applied Economic Theory
- Co-organizer reading group Auction Theory
Thesis Supervision
- Each year I supervise about 5 Bachelor or Master theses.
Below you find some general information about how to find information in the field. - Finding a policy questions ?
- Euraktiv / Politco (EU news – views of Commission and stakeholders)
- EUI Florence School of Regulation
- CERRE Centre on Regulation in Europe (market regulation, cross-sectoral aspects)
- Bruegel (industrial policy / macro-aspects)
- Finding literature I: Next to the main economics journals, the following journals focus on energy economics in particular
- Energy Economics, Energy Journal
- Energy Policy, Economics of Energy & Environmental Policy (focus on policy)
- Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Resource and Energy Economics (focus on environmental / resource economics)
- Finding literature II: I recommend students to check some of the abstracts of recent conferences:
- Mannheim Energy Conference (energy economics, including some legal / managerial aspects )
- Toulouse Energy Conference (energy – environmental economics)
- UCEI Berkeley Energy Conference (empirics – focus on US/Californian markets )
- I advise students to contact me with 1 or 2 one-page proposals containing motivation, research question and a proposed methodology.
- Possible topics include
- Competition policy (vertical restraints, collusion, bundling)
- Modeling investments (real options, flexibility in technologies)
- Design of electricity and gas markets (market clearing rules, risk sharing)
- Policy evaluation – Cost benefit analysis
- Law and Economics (Economic discussion of a particular decision by ECJ, or new regulations)