Work in Progress
Multi-product Supply Function Equilibria, with Pär Holmberg and Keith Ruddell.
Providing efficient network access to green power generators: A long-term property rights perspective, with G. Petropoulos, R&R Energy Economics.
Retail competition, vertical integration and investments, with T.O. Léautier.
The Dutch Retail Electricity Market, 2018. with Machiel Mulder
Energy Policy.
Optimal regulation of network expansion. 2018 with G. Zwart
Rand Journal, 19(1), pp. 23-42. (TILEC Discussion Paper No. 2016-008)
Relaxing competition through speculation: Committing to a negative supply slope. 2015, with P. Holmberg
Journal of Economic Theory. 159, pp 236-266.
Exclusion through speculation. 2015, with C. Argenton
International Journal of Industrial Organization. 39, pp. 1-9.
Market integration and economic efficiency at conflict? Commitments in the Swedish interconnectors case. 2013, with M. Sadowska
World Competition : Law and Economics Review. 36(1), pp 99-132.
Power markets shaped by antitrust. 2013, with M. Sadowska
European Competition Journal. 9(1), pp 131-173.
Exclusivity contracts, insurance and financial market foreclosure. 2012, with C. Argenton
Journal of Industrial Economics, 60(4), pp 609-630.
Regulation of network infrastructure investments: an experimental evaluation. 2012, with B. Henze and C. Noussair.
Journal of Regulatory Economics, 42(1), pp 1-38.
The effect of counter-trading on competition in electricity markets. 2011, with J. Dijk.
Energy Policy, 39(3), pp1764–1773.
Cost Recovery in Congested Electricity Networks. 2010, with G. Pepermans.
Zeitschrift für Energiewirtschaft 34(3), pp 195-208.
Arbitrage in Energy Markets: Price Discrimination under Congestion, 2010, with G. Küpper.
Energy Journal, 31(3), pp 41-66.
(Earlier version CentER Discussion Paper Series No. 2007-94, Tilburg University).
Risk management in electricity markets: hedging and market incompleteness, 2010, with J. Morbée.
Energy Economics 32(4), pp 786-795.
Cournot versus Supply Functions: What does the data tell us?, 2009, with Rumiantseva I. and Weigt, H.,
Energy Economics, 31(1), pp38-47.
Where the Champsaur Commission has got it wrong. 2009, with C. Crampes, J.M. Glachant, C. von Hirschhausen, F. Leveque, D. Newberry, I. Perez-Arriaga, P. Ranci, and S. Soft.
The Electricity Journal. 22 (7), pp81-86.
Cross-subsidies in the Electricity Sector, 2008, with Ehlers, E.,
Competition and Regulation in Network Industries. 9(3), pp201-228.
(Earlier version TILEC Report)
Does More International Transmission Capacity Increase Competition in the Belgian Electricity Market?, 2008, with Küpper G., Delarue E., Delvaux B., Meeus L., Bekaert D., Proost S., D’haeseleer, W., Deketelaere, K. and Belmans R.
Electricity Journal, 22(1), pp 21-36.
Market power mitigation by regulating contract portfolio risk, 2008, with de Corte E.,
Energy Policy, 36(10), pp 3787-3796.
Network unbundling, ownership structure and oligopolies: A case study for the Belgian electricity market, 2006, with Pepermans G.,
Competition and Regulation in Network Industries, 2, pp 231-262
Cournot Equilibrium in Price-capped two-settlement electricity markets, 2005, with Yao, J., Oren, S. and Adler, I.
Hawaii International conference on System Science (38)
Modeling Cournot Competition in an Electricity Market with Transmission Constraints, 2002,
The Energy Journal 23(3) Download APPENDIX
Patent Application
Bundles for an efficient auction design, US 2018/0218449 A1
Economic Aspects of Climate Change Policy, A European and Belgian Perspective, 2005,
jointly edited with J. Eyckmans and S. Proost, ACCO, Leuven
Chapters in Books
The generation mix, price caps and capacity payments, 2015,
in “EU Energy Capacity Mechanisms: Law, Policy, and Economics”, edited by Leigh Hancher, Adrien de Hauteclocque, and Małgorzata Sadowska. Oxford University Press.
Long term financial transmission rights: an experiment, 2013, with B. Henze and C. Noussair,
in “Financial transmission rights: analysis, experiences and prospects”, edited by J. Rossellon and T. Kristiansen, Springer Verlag.
Borging van publieke belangen in de energievoorziening, (Securing public interests in the provision of energy). 2010, with M. Mulder
in “Preadviezen“, edited by E. van Damme and M.P. Schinkel, Koninklijke Vereniging voor de Staathuishoudkunde.
Climate Change: Challenges for the World, 2005, with J. Eyckmans, and J.-P. van Yperseele
in “Economic Aspects of Climate Change Policy“, edited by Willems, B., Eyckmans, J., Proost, S., ACCO, Leuven
Working Papers
Risk Spillovers and Hedging:Why Do Firms Invest Too Much in Systemic Risk, with J. Morbee.
Tilec Discussion Paper 2011-029, Tilburg University
The Effect of Divestitures in the German Electricity Market, with H. Weigt.
Tilec Discussion Paper 2011-20, Tilburg University
Competitive effect of counter trading in the Dutch electricity market, 2011, Report for Essent N.V.
Establishing Adequacy in the Provision of Electricity, An Experimental Evaluation, 2011, Report for Essent N.V.
Green Energy Labelling, 2009, Report for Essent N.V.
The Frontier Shift of Capital Cost, 2009, with van Damme, E., Report for TenneT B.V.
Cross-subsidies in the Electricity Sector, 2008, with Ehlers, E. Marti Fraga, V., Report for Essent N.V.
Tilec Report 2008-01, Tilburg University
The future of the Dutch regulatory framework in energy and telecommunications, 2007,
TILEC Report (not public), Tilburg University
International and Belgian climate change policy questions, 2006
Final Report of CLIMNEG II project, K.U.Leuven
Opening of the European Market for Electricity, 2002,with Van Roy, P., Belmans, R., Pepermans, G., Proost, S. and D haeseleer, W.
Energy Institute Report 00-02, EI/St/02.3/FIN, K.U.Leuven
Electricity Networks and Generation Market Power, 2004, PhD dissertation,
Dept. of Economics, K.U.Leuven